Land Rigs

Monitor Systems Engineering has been designing, manufacturing and commissioning automated control systems for the offshore and onshore (land rig) global oil & gas industry for many years.
Land Rigs: Monitor systems undertake on location surveys, systems repair, upgrade, design, and manufacture.
Upon completion of a survey, our technical engineers issue a full and detailed report, classifying the deficiencies and problems with the system, together with a full technical proposal outlining how the system could be repaired, upgraded or replaced. Our technical survey gives you a complete picture regarding the current operation, condition and integrity of your Land Rig system and associated equipment.
Oil and natural gas Land Rigs are used not only to identify geologic reservoirs but also to create holes that allow the extraction of oil or natural gas from those reservoirs. Primarily in onshore oil and gas fields once a well has been drilled, the Land Rig will be moved off of the well and a service rig (a smaller rig) that is purpose-built for completions will be moved on to the well to get the well on line. This frees up the Land Rig to drill another hole and streamlines the operation as well as allowing for specialization of certain services, i.e., completions vs drilling.